Vancouver Association of Educational Support Professionals
Comprised of Paraeducators, Clerks, Secretaries, Aquatic Coordinators, and Technical Support
Clerks, you are the valued members who make up our union!

Meaning of our VAESP "Circle Moving Forward" logo:
Circle moving forward, composed of of individuals who are shown as a duplicating color pattern depicting the unique and unifying perspectives of each person in VAESP.  These individuals are strong and can stand on their own, but choose to work together for the common good and bring unity to the whole.  VAESP is their commonality.  They share the goals of the organization, to care for students’ best interests, fight for safe and fair working conditions, and advocate for the membership.
Designed by: Cheryl Vandervort, WEA-Riverside

Executive Board Vision
The VAESP Executive Board focus is to be a membership driven association with the focus
of identifying and engaging leaders to prepare for the future.

You are a part of a larger Union Family - Together WE are better! 
Your VAESP Union family works for you. Members of VAESP are also members of Local, State, and National Unions.  Your local team (VAESP Executive Board, Building Representatives, RUC Reps, and ACT Chair) works tirelessly behind the scenes in conjuntction with WEA Riverside on wages, labor and hiring disputes, assisting employees with filing grievances, and of course working towards better contracts during bargaining years.  Your Leadership Team is supported by UniServ - WEA Riverside, WEA, and NEA through direct support, training, leadership opportunities, and extra support when our local team needs assistance helping our members.

Join our Facebook Group - to be accepted to the Facebook Group you will need to

* Be a current paying member of VAESP
* Answer the Facbook Group questionnaire 
* Agree to the rules of conduct



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